Non-riders: We have something for everyone

We realize that not everyone rides a bike. We also know that folks travel to Utah for adventure. That’s why we offer alternate non-riding options for your travel companions to enjoy. Choose from hiking, walking, evening seminars, poolside activities, massage, stretching and yoga.

Kid Riders

Kids rides will be in conjunction with the adult rides on these days/times:
Thursday 3:00-4:30
Friday 10:45-2:00
Saturday 10:45-2:00
Kids are welcome to join on a group ride with other kids ages 10-16 (suggested). Riders should be able to comfortably ride singletrack on some of the mellower Moab trails. Rides will be in conjunction wtih adult group rides Thursday-Saturday with approximately two+ hour riding times (with snack breaks). Sarah Stubbe will be leading the kids rides, most likely heading to Bar M or other green/blue trails around the general Moab area.
Rider preference is to be comfortable on singletrack, with a good-fitting bike and at least 24″ wheels, and disc brakes (preferred). Main goal is to have fun, while providing guidance with the basic fundamentals of mountain biking like braking, cornering, shifting, and body and eye positioning.. and making new like-minded friends! Please note that rides may vary depending on overall skill level of the group.